Student Coaching and Support Services

At New Frontiers, we believe that every student has the potential to excel with the right guidance and support. Our student coaching services are designed to provide comprehensive support across various stages of a student’s educational and personal development journey. From executive function coaching to career readiness programs, our specialized coaches help students build the skills they need for academic success and personal growth. Explore our diverse coaching programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each student.

a cartoon head depicting mindfulness and executive functions working together for a healthier lifestyle

Executive Function Coaching

Designed to help students enhance their organizational, time management, and problem-solving skills, preparing them for academic success and daily life challenges.

Social coaching

Social Coaching

Aims to improve interpersonal skills, understanding social cues, and effective communication, enhancing students' social interactions and relationships.

Elementary Enrichment

Elementary Enrichment

Focuses on young learners, fostering a growth mindset and foundational skills in problem-solving, metacognition, and self-reflection.

A student showing independent living skills

Young Adult Life Coaching

Targets life skills and personal development for young adults, preparing them for independent living and personal responsibility.

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college transition

College Transition Coaching

Prepares students for the transition to college life, focusing on academic readiness, social adjustment, and self-management.

Gap Year Program and Coaching

Gap Year Coaching

Offers guided experiences during a gap year to explore personal interests, develop new skills, and prepare for future educational or career paths.

Managing Stress During Exams

Academic Coaching

Provides support in specific subject areas, helping students improve their understanding, retention, and application of academic content.

Career Launch Coaching

Career Launch Coaching

Helps students identify career interests and develop skills necessary for entering the workforce, including resume writing and interview preparation.

Surprising Benefits of Adult Internships

Internship Coaching

Supports students in maximizing their internship experiences through effective workplace skills, networking, and professional development.

Group Programs:

Summer in the City Program

Summer in the City

Provides students with an immersive experience in urban settings, enhancing their social, academic, and life skills in a dynamic environment.

A Comprehensive Guide to College Readiness

College Readiness Experience

Provides students with an immersive experience in urban settings, enhancing their social, academic, and life skills in a dynamic environment.