
Intrinsic Motivation

What is Intrinsic Motivation?

  • Intrinsic Motivation is the internal drive to engage in an activity for the inherent satisfaction, interest, or enjoyment it provides, rather than for an external reward or pressure.
  • This type of motivation is fueled by personal interest, curiosity, and the desire to achieve mastery or self-fulfillment.
  • Intrinsic motivation is important for both students and professionals, as it leads to deeper engagement, persistence, and overall satisfaction.

How does this Motivation differ from Extrinsic Motivation?

  • Intrinsic Motivation: Arises from within the individual, driven by personal satisfaction or a genuine interest in the task itself. Examples include studying a subject out of curiosity or pursuing a hobby for the sheer joy it brings.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: In contrast, extrinsic motivation is with external rewards or pressures, such as grades, praise, money, or avoiding punishment. While it can be effective in achieving certain goals, it may not sustain long-term engagement or satisfaction.
  • Both types of motivation play a role in education and work, but this motivation tends to lead to more enduring.

How can coaching help individuals cultivate Intrinsic Motivation?

  • Coaching can help individuals discover their intrinsic motivators by exploring their interests, passions, and values, and aligning them with their goals.
  • For students, coaching might focus on finding subjects or activities they are genuinely interested in, making learning more enjoyable and self-driven.
  • For professionals, coaching can guide them in aligning their work with their personal values and passions, fostering greater job satisfaction.
  • Overall, coaching can help individuals shift from relying solely on external rewards to developing a deeper, internal drive to achieve their goals.
Intrinsic Motivation

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