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New Frontiers' Blog Series

New Frontiers’ Blog Series
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Posts by Topic:
"Life Management"

Does ADHD Affect Sleep Patterns?

It’s well-known that losing out on sleep comes far-reaching health effects. Insomnia commonly co-occurs with ADHD, and one can easily...

Does ADHD Make It Difficult to Manage Money?

ADHD and Money Management: With inflation soaring and the cost of living increasing at every turn, it’s already hard enough...

Executive Function and the End of Daylight Saving Time

When the clocks “fall back,” it’s a sure sign that winter is on its way(Adjusting to End of Daylight Saving...

A Guide to Securing a Life Coach

Life can throw a lot of obstacles in your path, whether it be a stressful event, tiredness, or even something...

Time Management for Teens & Tweens

Between school and extracurricular activities, homework, and time with family and friends, it can seem like teens and tweens may...

Why Summer Schedules Are Important for Kids

With summer vacation on the horizon, kids of all ages are getting ready to enjoy some time away from school....

How to Create Healthy Boundaries at Work

Learning to set boundaries with coworkers and management is key to professional success. Work boundaries help employees maintain a healthy...

Tips for Becoming Independent in Adulthood 

  Becoming an independent adult is an exciting and challenging process. It’s a time when you begin to take ownership...

Lazy or Executive Function Challenges?

“I’m just lazy,” is something we hear so often in our work. It’s very easy to attribute laziness as the...

Developing The Skills for Independent Living

When does one able to master independent living? What does it look like? How does one achieve it? These are...

Adulting: Why Isn’t My 18-Year-Old There Yet?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Not at grade level,” or “they are young for their age?” These terms help...

Cognitive Modeling During Holidays

As educators and coaches, we always are looking for learning and growth opportunities. The holidays are a great time to...

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