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8 Tips for Forming Strong Professional Relationships

form professional relationships
Casey Schmalacker

Written by

Casey Schmalacker

4 min read

form professional relationships

In today’s interconnected world, effective social communication is key to building and maintaining strong professional relationships. Whether you’re looking to improve workplace dynamics or expand your professional network, honing your communication skills can make a significant difference. Here are 8 tips to help you build strong professional relationships through improved social communication.

  1. Network Effectively
  2. Show Respect and Courtesy
  3. Be a Team Player
  4. Communicate Clearly and Professionally
  5. Build Trust Through Integrity
  6. Seek and Offer Constructive Feedback
  7. Maintain Professional Boundaries
  8. Navigate Social Media Effectively

1. Network Effectively

Building professional relationships often starts with effective networking. This means going beyond exchanging business cards to forming genuine connections. Rather than approaching others transactionally, approach them with genuine interest. Not all connections need to provide you with an immediate gain – the more genuine relationships you create, the more you will benefit professionally in the long run.

Strategy: Attend industry events, join professional groups, and actively participate in online forums related to your field. Follow up with new contacts by sending a personalized message or inviting them for a coffee.

2. Show Respect and Courtesy

Professional relationships thrive on mutual respect and courtesy. This includes respecting others’ time, opinions, and boundaries. It also is important to lean into empathy. Everyone has a personal life outside of work, and everyone struggles with their own stuff. Acknowledge other professionals as humans first. Taking this holistic approach builds strong bonds between professionals.

  • Strategy: Always be punctual for meetings, listen attentively during conversations, and acknowledge the contributions of others. Show appreciation by sending thank-you notes or expressing gratitude in person. Share your own challenges, this helps open the door for others to do the same.

3. Be a Team Player

Collaboration is key in professional settings. Being a team player means contributing positively and supporting your colleagues. Aim to be the person that people want to work with, as opposed to the one that they say “ughhhhh” about.

  • Strategy: Volunteer for team projects, offer help when others are swamped, and be willing to share credit for collective achievements. Show your commitment to team success rather than just personal gains. When colleagues are struggling, don’t be the one to call out their struggle, help them save face by sharing responsibility for the outcome. No one likes a blamer.

4. Communicate Clearly and Professionally

Clear and professional communication helps avoid misunderstandings and builds a reputation of reliability. Our communication sets a tone, and, first and foremost these relationships are professional. Communication is also a two way street, make sure you are actively listening when others are speaking to you.

Strategy: Ensure your emails are concise and free of errors. When speaking, be clear and to the point. Regularly check in with colleagues to ensure everyone is on the same page. Separate out more personal communication from professional communication so that everyone understands what “hat” you are wearing in that context.

5. Build Trust Through Integrity

Trust is earned through consistent integrity. Follow through on your promises and be transparent in your dealings. Own mistakes, and acknowledge learned lessons openly.

Strategy: If you commit to a deadline, meet it. If unforeseen circumstances arise, communicate promptly and honestly. Transparency fosters trust.

6. Seek and Offer Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is essential for growth and improvement. It also shows that you are invested in the success of your colleagues.

Strategy: When giving feedback, be specific and focus on behaviors rather than personal attributes. When receiving feedback, listen openly and consider it as an opportunity for improvement. For all feedback, ask for permission to give it – unsolicited feedback is often rejected or ignored, even if subconsciously.

7. Maintain Professional Boundaries

While it’s great to build close professional relationships, it’s important to maintain boundaries to ensure a healthy work environment.

Strategy: Be mindful of personal topics and avoid oversharing. Keep interactions professional and respectful, especially in diverse workplaces where boundaries can vary. Create a communication cadence to regularly check in with colleagues and maintain a professional communication log to ensure you stay connected without overstepping boundaries.

8. Navigate Social Media Effectively

Social media can be a powerful tool for maintaining professional relationships but must be used appropriately.

Strategy: Connect with colleagues on professional platforms like LinkedIn rather than more personal ones like Facebook unless you have a close relationship. Be mindful of what you share and ensure your online presence reflects your professional persona. Use social media to stay informed about industry news and to engage in professional discussions, enhancing your credibility and network.

Effective social communication is the cornerstone to build strong professional relationships. By practicing active listening, showing respect, and maintaining clear and professional communication, you can strengthen your connections and enhance your interactions. Implement these strategies to build more meaningful and lasting professional relationships in your career.

Casey Schmalacker

Casey Schmalacker

Casey Schmalacker, Vice President at New Frontiers, is a seasoned leader in marketing, sales, and business development. With a dual degree in Government and Law and Economics from Lafayette College, he has spent the past 10 years coaching students, adults, and organizations to improve executive functions, soft skills, and workplace performance. Casey's approach is rooted in strategic development and a passion for personalized coaching, emphasizing a culture of continuous improvement.