Client Policies and Procedures

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    Welcome to New Frontiers

    On behalf of the entire New Frontiers staff, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our family. We are enthusiastic to serve you and look forward to working together as a team. New Frontiers is committed to helping clients reach their fullest potential through a collaborative, creative and flexible coaching model. Focusing on executive skills promotes the identification of goal directed behaviors and strategies to achieve self-actualization. Please find below an outline of our Client Processes and Procedures. Feel free to email your respective Coordinator if you have any questions regarding the policies.

      Terms Defined

      Throughout this page, there are some terms describing people that you may not be familiar with yet. Here is a quick breakdown:

      • Client:
        • The person receiving services
      • Stakeholder:
        • The person(s) who secures payment for supports or is invested in the supports in some fashion – which includes parents/guardians, managers/bosses, mental health practitioners)
        • If you secured services yourself, you are your own Stakeholder
      • Coach:
        • The professional working with the client 
      • Coordinator:
        • The professional who is main point of contact for stakeholders

      Matching Coach and Client

      Once a signed agreement has been received and payment has been successfully processed, you will be connected to a Coordinator. This Coordinator will also be responsible for overseeing coaching sessions and being the Stakeholder point of contact. We match clients and coaches based on multiple factors. During the consultation, or when a coach switch request is received, we ask questions to help guide us in the matching process. 

      These are some factors we consider:

      • Coaching and content area needs
      • Personality and temperament of the client
      • Availability and scheduling preferences
      • Coach preferences (i.e. personality, temperament, gender, approach, etc.) 

      Coach-Client Relationship

      We believe the relationship between clients and coaches is the bedrock to session effectiveness. Coaches are a resource for clients, allowing the formation of a trusting relationship between the two. This is why the Coordinators act as the Stakeholder Liaison. The first session serves to begin building rapport and establishing the guidelines of their relationship (i.e. methods of communication, systems of accountability, roles and responsibilities, etc.)

      Changing Coaches

      Sometimes it takes a few sessions for a coach and a client to get into a rhythm and routine with regards to supports. Please bring any questions or concerns regarding the coach matching process to the Coordinator. If a client or Stakeholder shares concerns regarding the coach, we will first attempt to problem solve the issue(s) with the current coach, and then determine if switching coaches would be in the best interest of all stakeholders involved. The coach switching process can take up to 7-10 days, and the Coordinator may step in as a substitute coach until the new coach is identified and scheduled.

      Coaching Schedule

      One of the first things we do with clients is establish a set schedule of coaching sessions and check -ins. The consistency of this schedule helps increase effectiveness of supports. We are flexible in rescheduling and canceling sessions (within policy guidelines), but having a set schedule ensures that the supports are ongoing and targeted. New Frontiers will provide a recommended number of hours/meeting times per week, which can be adjusted as necessary.

      Coach Availability Outside of Scheduled Sessions for Clients

      • We encourage clients to reach out to their coaches outside of sessions when they encounter obstacles. Not only does this help to identify areas of difficulty, but it encourages a help-seeking mindset. Coaches help teach clients how to identify when they are struggling and what to do when they encounter a problem (Please see below for billing guidelines).
      • Coaches are not expected to be available at any given time, but they do their best to accommodate clients’ needs. Clients can request additional sessions outside of their planned sessions, and coaches will do their best to accommodate. Many times coaches and clients will determine together to schedule additional sessions.
      • Coaches try to be available via text and email within reason.

      Coach Absence

      If coaches are sick or otherwise unavailable, they will do their best to reschedule at a time that works for the client. When there are time sensitive assignments/deadlines, either the Coordinator or a substitute coach will be provided to support the client (based on availability). For in-person sessions, finding coverage for in-person may be more challenging, so virtual coverage will be offered as well. 

      Rescheduling/Canceling Sessions

      There is typically a 24-hour rescheduling/cancelation policy with regards to coaching sessions. Rescheduling sessions occurs directly with coaches. We understand that clients may have a difficult time attending sessions promptly or canceling sessions within the 24-hour time frame. Therefore we develop systems with the client to encourage successful time management, such as text/phone/email reminders, confirming sessions the day before, etc. The first time a client misses a scheduled session without rescheduling/canceling the session within the 24-hour period, the coach will not bill the client and will use the opportunity as a learning experience in time management (not applicable to in-person sessions). After that, the client will be billed for “No Shows” for the originally scheduled session time. The coach will use the time to continue to try and get in touch with the client, as well as set the client up for success until the next session is held – this may take the form of reviewing classes, responsibilities, creating a list of tasks the clients should work on, etc. This information will be communicated in the session notes.

      How Sessions Are Run

      We use our RASP process for running sessions. RASP stands for:
      • Review
      • Assess
      • Strategize
      • Plan
      We use this breakdown to determine what can be accomplished in various session lengths. Here are typical times for each:
      • Reviewing – 5 to 10 minutes
      • Assessing – 5 to 10 minutes
      • Strategizing – 30+ minutes
      • Planning – 5-10 minutes
      These are not rigid timeframes, but they can help you understand what can be accomplished in the various lengths of sessions. If you have a 15 minute session, you may not get to strategizing within that session. These are “check in” sessions where we would Review, Assess, and Plan.

      How Sessions Are Billed

      Sessions are billed in increments of 15 minutes for:


      • Scheduled coaching session
      • Ad-hoc sessions that are added in on an as-needed basis
      • Additional support in between sessions that go longer than 10 minutes (text, phone call, email, or video call)
      • Stakeholder communication as outlined in the Stakeholder Communication section below
      • Missed sessions that were scheduled without 24-hour notice
      • Scheduled daily texts (15 minutes per week)


      If clients are late to sessions, the session will be billed from the originally scheduled start time.

      Client Texting Guidelines

      Reasons to text:
      • Requesting an ad-hoc session
      • Canceling or attempting to reschedule session
      • Feedback and Support
        • If quick, will address via a text or phone call if coach is available
        • If more time is needed, coach will redirect towards scheduling an ad-hoc session
      • Good News Updates!
      • Attempts to receive support solely via texts
      • Continual offering of new dates/times to reschedule
      • Continually texting if no response received
      • Expectation of immediate response
      • Crisis texts

      Billing for Scheduled Text Check-Ins

      Scheduled text messages are billed as 15 minutes per week.

      Coordinator/Stakeholder Relationship

      The Coordinators are the point of contact for Stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined as anyone who is not the individual receiving the coaching supports (e.g. guardians, managers/bosses, mental health practitioners). If you decided upon, and secured services yourself, you are your own Stakeholder. They are there to answer questions and address concerns that guardians may have regarding supports. We highly encourage stakeholders share with the Coordinators objective facts that they are seeing/hearing outside of sessions. This information helps the Coordinators support coaches in adjusting supports to meet the needs of the clients. Coordinators are available by appointment. Access to your assigned Coordinator’s calendar will be available for you to schedule a time to speak with them. Additional time can be scheduled by the Stakeholder through the Coordinator’s designated calendar link and will be billed through the clients’ block of hours. Please be mindful of Coordinators’ time and responsibilities by allowing for a reasonable amount of response time.

      Developing a trusting relationship in sessions between coaches and clients is important to the coaching process. We kindly ask that Stakeholders limit their communication with coaches so as to respect the Coach-Client relationship. Sometimes we need to share information with Stakeholders, and will inform clients when we need to do so. When clients are 18 years or older, we must receive written consent in order to communicate with anyone on their behalf. Coordinators will reach out if there is a concern regarding the delivery of service. With client approval, session notes can be emailed to others.

      Coordinator Initial Communication and Updates

      Coordinators supervise and oversee the quality of supports being provided. They are also the point of contact for stakeholders (e.g. guardians, managers/bosses, mental health practitioners). 

      Below is an initial schedule of communication with your coordinator. While adjustments can be made, we do our best to uphold this communication commitment so that everyone is on the same page regarding our supports.  

      • Welcome Meeting
        • Opportunity for Stakeholders to share their hopes for coaching, concerns about coaching, initial information to be passed to coach (any updates since consultation)
        • Establish preferred mode of communication
        • Scheduling of next call (3 weeks after welcome meetings
        • Confirmation of coaching schedule (days, times, session lengths)
        • Setting expectation of first session
        • Review of coaching plan document and its function
        • Review of cancellation policy and other procedures
        • If client/stakeholder does not respond or show up, the information above will be shared in an email
      • 3 Week Check In
        • Coordinator communicates systems that have been established in sessions
        • Share any ways in which the family can best reinforce processes developed by the coach and client outside of session
        • Share any insights of working relationship and communication from coach perspective
        • Current progress on goals
        • If client/stakeholder does not respond or show up, the information above will be shared in an email
      • 6 Week Check In
        • Sharing of any stakeholder insight and observations of behavior outside of sessions
        • Get guidelines for future communication between all team members
        • Reinforce areas in need of support that may not be currently being addressed yet
        • Current progress on goals
        • If client/stakeholder does not respond or show up, the information above will be shared in an email
      • On-Going Communication
        Coordinators will provide clients/stakeholders with access to a Calendly link to make appointments to discuss any issues, concerns, etc. that arise on their end 
        • Following the initial six weeks, the coordinator will communicate with you:
          • If they identify any red flags or concerns that need to be discussed (i.e., missing sessions, showing up late to sessions, coach switches, academic/behavioral/personal concerns, etc.)
          • Proactive updates (i.e., Client progress, celebrations, goal shifts, etc.)
        • You are encouraged to reach out to your Coordinator when:
          • You have questions/concerns
          • You have feedback on how things are going
          • You are curious how to complement the work

      Stakeholder Communication

      To ensure we are working towards establishing a successful coaching relationship, we find it beneficial to have open lines of communication with stakeholders within the first six weeks of coaching. This communication provides the opportunity for us to reciprocally share insights and observations during the transition into coaching. The first six weeks of coaching will include stakeholder communication that is not billed. The first three weeks of coaching will focus on establishing systems of communication with the client, and the latter three weeks will focus on stakeholder insight.

      The Coordinators are the point of contact for stakeholders. They are there to answer questions and address concerns that guardians may have regarding supports. We highly encourage stakeholders share with the Coordinators objective facts that they are seeing/hearing outside of sessions. This information helps the Coordinators support coaches in adjusting supports to meet the needs of the clients. Coordinators are available by appointment. Access to your assigned Coordinator’s calendar will be available for you to schedule a time to speak with them. After the first six weeks of coaching, stakeholder communication will be billed according to the following guidelines:

      Communication is not billed when:

      • Coordinators request time to speak with stakeholders
      • Email or texts updates that do not require a response
      • Monthly communication is less than 1 hour of time

      Communication is billed when:

      • The conversation is regarding strategies and approaches for the stakeholder (stakeholder coaching)
      • There are scheduled weekly meeting times
      • Emails/texts that are very long may call for a phone conversation
      • Total communication exceeds 1 hour in a month timeframe
      • This only applies after the initial 6 weeks of coaching

      **All Outside Communication is billed if the client is receiving less than 45 minutes a week of coaching**

      Additional time can be scheduled by the stakeholder through the Coordinator’s designated calendar link and will be billed through the clients’ block of hours. Please be mindful of Coordinators’ time and responsibilities by allowing for a reasonable amount of response time. Developing a trusting relationship in sessions between coaches and clients is important to the coaching process. We kindly ask that stakeholders limit their communication with coaches so as to honor the Coach-Client relationship. Sometimes we need to share information with stakeholders, and will inform clients when we need to do so. When clients are 18 years or older, we must receive a signed disclosure form in order to communicate with anyone on their behalf. Coordinators will reach out if there is a concern regarding the delivery of service. With client approval, session notes can be emailed to others.


      Feedback/Concerns Resolution Process

      We take our commitment to providing you with the highest quality service very seriously, and we want to ensure that any concerns you may have are addressed in a timely and effective manner.

      If you have a concern or complaint, we encourage you to follow our process for resolution:

      Contact your Coordinator: They will work with you to understand your concerns and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.


      Contact Services Manager: If your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can escalate it to the services manager. They will review the situation and work with you and your coordinator to find a satisfactory resolution.


      New Frontiers honors clients’ request for refunds on services. Requests can be sent to any team member, but most often are first discussed with the Coordinator. The refund process:

      • Initial refund conversation, we will talk through whether or not New Frontiers can make any adjustments to provide a service that you would want to continue with.
      • If not, the New Frontiers Business Office will email you with the refund breakdown and communicate the method in which you will receive your refund. A copy of the signed enrollment agreement will also be included.
      • Refunds typically are processed in 7-10 business days. When the refund is processed, the client’s hours will be zeroed out in our system.

      When refunds are issued, they are prorated based on usage. The number of used hours will determine the rate of services rendered. For example, if you purchased a 20-hour block, but only used 10 hours, those 10 hours will be counted at the 10-hour rate, and the balance is refundable. There is a $250.00 administrative fee for processing refunds, and a $500.00 administrative fee for processing refunds for in-person supports.

      We calculate refunds as such:

      (Total Amount Paid) – (Prorated Rate of Hours Used) – (Admin Fee) = Refund Total

      Per the Termination/Cancellation Policy in the enrollment agreement, hours are held in client accounts for 18 months after the last date of session. Coordinators will attempt to aid clients to utilizing hours. After the 18 months, hours are forfeited and clients’ hours will be zeroed out in our system.

      Social Media

      To preserve the relationship between the client and coach as a professional one, coaches and staff at New Frontiers cannot accept personal friend requests from current clients on any social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) with the exception of LinkedIn.

      Please feel welcome to follow the New Frontiers’ accounts that you can find at the bottom of this page.