How Team Leaders Can Help Improve Their Employees’ Time Management Skills

Thorough and intentional time management is a cornerstone of workplace productivity. However, even with the technology and tools available to streamline a business’s processes, employees face more distractions and time management issues than ever. As a member of leadership, it’s crucial to know how to help an employee with time management and push your workplace […]
Finding the Right Tech Tools to Support Students’ Executive Functions

When children and teens struggle with executive function, whether because of ADHD or autism, the impact can be felt in their schoolwork, social lives, and even their hobbies and home life. Luckily, there are more resources than ever to help kids overcome executive function issues. Understanding which executive function your child struggles with will guide […]
What Business Leaders Should Know About Employee Empowerment

As research continues to reveal higher rates of success and better financial outcomes in workplaces practicing employee empowerment, many organizations are reevaluating the roles their structure and culture play in their business. Learning about the philosophy behind employee empowerment and the strategies used to implement empowerment in the workplace could help your business take the […]